Frontiers of Fulfillment EBook Course 001
Frontiers of Fulfillment EBook Course Publisher's Description
Frontiers of Fulfillment
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Fulfillment Forum of Minneapolis, Minnesota, an ebook and seminar
publisher at is pleased to announce its powerful new book about
Logotherapy by Jard and Roberta DeVille. FRONTIERS OF FULFILLMENT is
a comprehensive (105,000 word) book and self-study course that
thousands of participants have called the best seminar they have ever
They gave it a 3.68 average rating on a four point scale for two decades while the content was being thrashed out in the mud and blood of human existence. The book's subtitle - How To Live So
Satisfying A Life You Shall Want It To Last Forever, describes
what it is all about.
Logotherapy is Viktor Frank's term for this
psychospiritual approach to the healing of the human spirit or soul
in this era of severe existential frustration or spiritual
is based on the premise that while men and women create enormous
problems for themselves by relying on a materialistic society's
secular values, immature ideologies and irresponsible choices, they
can mature enough to find consistent fulfillment. Obviously, lasting
satisfaction must come through choices more conducive to a sense of
joy than those offered by secular bread and circuses alone. Unless
you develop a spiritual attitude toward life that takes persons
beyond banal and meaningless expectations and choices, life almost
always becomes more and more disappointing as our adolescent dreams
fade and we grow older.
To begin with, we humans are indeed by-products of
the Cosmo's mysterious, green glowing star dust, are children of the
Cosmic Creator who came into existence with the mystic elements
personified in God the Seminal Spirit. Human spiritual needs are so
demanding that virtually every civilization to leave its footprints
on the earth had its origins in some form of religious faith. From
the Indus River Valley and ancient Babylon and Assyria, to Medieval
France and England, to Colonial America -- men and women acted out
their spiritual needs as they created relationships and activities to
make life a little better for themselves. Some driven persons become
very wealthy and powerful by choosing secular values and methods, but
we never become the spouses, parents or friends we could be while
sacrificing our spiritual needs to secular and materialistic values
and choices. We can strangle the psychospiritual elements of life
that yearn for expression but persons who do almost inevitably feel
that life is passing them by, that they are stuck in some morass and
that life itself has become pointless. We almost always feel some
aspect of the old quip -- "Oh, Lord, the sea is so vast and my boat
is so small!" We simply must connect with something or someone we
feel to be greater than our own short and too often banal lives or we
become existentially frustrated and spiritually bankrupt.
beyond a simple "be nice and love everyone" homily. After conducting more than a hundred FULFILLMENT seminars for major universities,
international corporations, liberal arts colleges, professional
associations and many, many churches, Jard and Roberta get down into
the mud and blood of human existence. They learned from thousands of
men and women what their needs were, why they felt stuck in the midst
of life and what worked and what didn't in a search for spiritual
maturity that leads to fulfillment. Some are calling this the best
synthesis of psychology and the Christian faith they have ever heard.
Be that as it may, Jard and Roberta are convinced that they have done
all they can on this project so they are now offering it in this
format to men and women everywhere who truly want to make their lives
the very best they can become.
Anyone who has read Viktor Frankl's "MAN'S SEARCH
FOR MEANING" or "THE DOCTOR AND THE SOUL", shall immediately
recognized one source of inspiration but the authors didn't stop
there. While Viktor focused largely on the human need to live
meaningful and purpose driven lives, Jard and Roberta have moved to
the next logical step. They have combined Viktor's emphasis on
meaning with their own interest in sources of belonging in places of
service with people with whom humans share faith, hope and love. This
basic message of this book and course is:
(Meaning x Belonging) *
The very best approach to life comes through spiritual values or virtues, positive attitudes, high expectations,
mature beliefs and responsible choices, although we almost always
need the spiritual assistance that a cosmic connection can give us.
This book and the self-directed seminar it contains is filled with
powerful presentations, self-focus activities and meaningful projects
that thousands of people have found very valuable in filling their
lives with the sources of meaning and belonging that lead to
consistent fulfillment.
1. Only by connecting our lives with the Cosmic
Creator, God the Seminal Spirit, can we satisfy the deepest aspects
of the human soul that Viktor Frankl calls our spiritual
unconscious. The reader will learn how we the children of the stars
must mature through spiritual principles for life to become
2. We all need to mature through the physical, psychological and
philosophical aspects of life -- through the pleasure/pain,
power/prestige and purpose/permanence principles of existence. The
reader will learn several crucial factors in successful
self-motivation and enlightenment.
3. In this age of unending and often disquieting change, when
nothing remains as it was in the past, we are bedeviled by a
cruel philosophy of nothingness, a belief in disbelief that savages
the human spirit. The reader will learn the importance of rejecting
nihilism in shifting circumstances.
4. We mature spiritually through spiritual virtues,
positive attitudes, high expectations, mature beliefs and responsible
choices. The reader will learn how to apply the byproduct
approach to successful fulfillment in which serendipity often occurs.
5. Industrial age institutions have created a civilization that
frustrates many and leads to the selfish aggression and/or apathy
that caused a hundred million battle deaths in the terrible 20th
century ~one. The reader will learn what frustrates us most and how
to cope with frustrating pressures.
6. Maturing love, whether eros, filias or agape, casts out fear
and much frustration and consistently empowers us to live a life of
trust in God. The reader will learn that being faithful to God,
to others and to yourself, keeps life from reverting to the fearful
and banal.
7. The DeVille Sidewalk Test confirms Jesus' observation, that
normal persons respond to us as we first treat them, thus
allowing loving souls to establish sound relationships. The reader
will learn why and how the Golden Rule works so well in normal
interpersonal relationships.
8. We can promise others that to the best of our abilities -- good
things happen to people who deal honestly with us -- also that,
bad things don't happen to people who deal honestly with us. The
reader will learn that this isn't necessarily the way of the world
but can be our personal commitment to fairness, maturity and sound
personal relationships.
9. Because each person has a self-serving perceptual screen
through which everything is interpreted to one's best advantage,
we can easily deceive ourselves in our unconscious attitudes,
activities and relationships. The reader will learn how to deal with
hidden agendas, whether our own or of someone else.
10. The outcomes of life that we anticipate, plan well for,
develop a vehicle to attain and work hard and smart to accomplish
-- are what usually occur. The reader will learn how to succeed
through sound and supportive choices.
11. We can avoid and control conflicts through the THREE STAGE
conflict avoidance process and through the ASRAC conflict management
technique. The reader will learn two powerful methods that take
peace-making from chance to consistency.
12. By connecting with God through faith and grace, we transcend
most of life's banalities/and meet the vital needs of our spiritual
unconscious. The reader will learn how to mature emotionally and
spiritually through permanent cosmic connections.
13. By living courageously, we are empowered to deal wisely with
life's universal Tragic Element of Suffering, Rage, Guilt and Death.
The reader will learn that despite life's often grim aspects, there
is no situation we cannot improve by holding spiritual virtues,
positive attitudes and high expectations.
14. By working diligently within a legitimate enterprise, we pay
our dues to society for the privilege of becoming an authentic or
maturing person. The reader will learn how to choose a specific
mission in each of life's key stages.
15. Learning what we need to know when we need to know it,
learning to learn, learning to choose and learning to relate, keeps
us maturing consistently. The reader will learn how to stay ahead
of the learning curve in a way that make life satisfying.
16. Living in consistent love and friendship is the most valuable
aspect of life, even though a great many anxious persons in this
confusing age will do anything to receive love - except become
lovable. The reader will learn how to maximize the power of love in
his or her relationships.
17. Play and entertainment are not frivolous aspects of life but
rather the way we recharge our batteries for the long haul ahead of
each person. The reader will learn how to keep entertainment and
play in perspective with the rest of life.
Jard & Roberta DeVille
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